Матеріали автора Maria Revuk


How easy it is to manipulate us. Analyzing comments to humorous TikTok deepfakes

So far, only fraudsters, propagandists, and comedians have benefited the most from the technology of deepfakes. And while the first two categories seem to be clear, the latter reminds us once again that even a low-quality, obviously fake diplomat still finds those who take it seriously. This means that fraudsters and propagandists are doing quite well.We have downloaded more than 10 thousand comments to four popular TikTok videos on a channel that makes primitive comic videos about politicians "on the front lines" using the technology of deepfakes. All this is to try to understand what share of commenters took these videos at face value. And the results are not very encouraging.Читати українською

TikTok algorithms trap: if you want to go viral, make content about Recruiting office

In June alone, the video with the hashtag #Recruiting office received 470 million views in Ukrainian TikTok (3 billion all-time). At the same time, 13 thousand posts with this hashtag were published within a month (62 thousand all-time). This is the first most popular hashtag in the News and Entertainment category. It is increasingly being used on the TikTokers pages, which seem to have nothing to do with the topic of the Recruiting office and mobilization. That's because this topic gets many more views.We decided to look at how and whom TikTok encourages to make videos about Recruiting office. To do this, we uploaded the latest posts by TikTokers whose videos appeared in the search results using the hashtag #Recruiting office. Along with the reach, we analyzed how many Russians are following this topic.Читати українською

Looking for an audience. How TikTok’s new policy has “cut” the audience of Russian propagandists abroad

On May 23, TikTok announced an update to its policy against targeted influence campaigns: from now on, all channels labeled as “state-controlled media” will not appear in recommended videos outside their country of origin. Thus, Spanish-speaking RT will not appear in the recommendation feed for the Spanish-speaking audience, and Sputnik Brasil will not appear for the Brazilian audience. But does this restriction work effectively? We decided to check the data.Читати українською

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