Матеріали автора Natalia Meleshchuk


Pain, death, love, life. How a day goes by in a front-line stabilization unit

Pain, death, love, life.  How a day goes by in a front-line stabilization unit
Our stabilization unit (or simply “stab”) is located approximately 12 km (7.5 miles) from the front line, in one of the hottest directions. It is at the "stab" that the wounded are evacuated from their positions, wounds are treated, their breathing is restored, their condition is stabilized, and they are sent further to the hospital.As a volunteer at the Mykola Pirogov First Voluntary Mobile Hospital (VMH-1), I worked for a month at the registration desk at the stabilization unit.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovRead this article in Ukrainian

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