Матеріали автора Taras Lazer

Журналістика даних

Množični umor na Žitomirski avtocesti: zemljevid, kronologija in preiskava ruskih vojnih zločinov

Množični umor na Žitomirski avtocesti: zemljevid, kronologija in preiskava ruskih vojnih zločinov
Dmitrivka je vasica le nekaj kilometrov severno od Žitomirske avtoceste, ki povezuje Kijev z mestom Čop ob madžarski meji. Na tem mestu je bilo odlagališče avtomobilov, ki so jih Rusi med obleganjem Kijeva poškodovali s streljanjem in zažgali.To je eno od več deset odlagališč v Kijevski regiji.

Mass murder on the Zhytomyr highway: map, chronology and investigation of Russian war crimes

Mass murder on the Zhytomyr highway: map, chronology and investigation of Russian war crimes
"We must recover the name of every personwho suffered from war crimes.Because a human being is not a number,"human rights activist Oleksandra Matviichuk.Dmytrivka is a small village just a few kilometres north of the Zhytomyr highway that connects Kyiv to Chop, a town near the Hungarian border. It’s the site of a dumping ground for cars that Russians shot and burned during the siege of Kyiv. It is one of dozens of dumps in the Kyiv region."After the de-occupation, about fifty cars were brought to Dmytrivka," say operatives of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol (Ukraine has retained law enforcement agencies that worked in the territories that are now temporarily occupied — ed.)

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