Матеріали автора Yuliia Dukach


How easy it is to manipulate us. Analyzing comments to humorous TikTok deepfakes

So far, only fraudsters, propagandists, and comedians have benefited the most from the technology of deepfakes. And while the first two categories seem to be clear, the latter reminds us once again that even a low-quality, obviously fake diplomat still finds those who take it seriously. This means that fraudsters and propagandists are doing quite well.We have downloaded more than 10 thousand comments to four popular TikTok videos on a channel that makes primitive comic videos about politicians "on the front lines" using the technology of deepfakes. All this is to try to understand what share of commenters took these videos at face value. And the results are not very encouraging.Читати українською

TikTok says it counteracts disinformation but limits the ability to research and detect It

At the end of July, the TikTok Creative Center website (an analytical dashboard with the latest trends on the platform) showed the most popular hashtags in Ukraine and the number of views each has received. These statistics revealed that the network of artificial Russian bots had amassed 10 million views in just one week, indicating significant success. However, six months later, the view statistics vanished from the platform without a trace, suspiciously coinciding with the moment TikTok became aware of our investigation We know for sure that government agencies used the social network to block the bot farm after our article was published.Читати українською

#it'snotmyukraine. We have identified a Russian network of 2,000 TikTok accounts created to discredit the mobilization and the Recruiting office

In late May, Tiktok announced that in the first months of 2024, it had disrupted 15 influence operations on the platform and deleted 3,001 related accounts. We were able to find more than 2,000 accounts that were created as part of a single Russian information operation revolving around the hashtag #it'snotmyukraine and aimed at discrediting the mobilization in Ukraine and the actions of the Recruiting office.Читати українською

TikTok algorithms trap: if you want to go viral, make content about Recruiting office

In June alone, the video with the hashtag #Recruiting office received 470 million views in Ukrainian TikTok (3 billion all-time). At the same time, 13 thousand posts with this hashtag were published within a month (62 thousand all-time). This is the first most popular hashtag in the News and Entertainment category. It is increasingly being used on the TikTokers pages, which seem to have nothing to do with the topic of the Recruiting office and mobilization. That's because this topic gets many more views.We decided to look at how and whom TikTok encourages to make videos about Recruiting office. To do this, we uploaded the latest posts by TikTokers whose videos appeared in the search results using the hashtag #Recruiting office. Along with the reach, we analyzed how many Russians are following this topic.Читати українською

Missiles and propaganda. Russia always accompanies strikes on civilians with an information campaign. What are they saying this time?

"...Could Zelenskyy have ordered the Armed Forces of Ukraine to strike a children's hospital during a Russian missile attack to get more air defense systems and aircraft?" rhetorically asks a Russian propagandist on Telegram. He immediately answers himself: "Zelenskyy showed with Bucha that he is ready for any crimes against humanity..." While the ruins were still smoking, Russian propaganda launched a wide and clearly pre-planned information campaign. It consisted of the usual elements for such cases, but there was also something new: a wave of posts claiming that peace negotiations with Russia are necessary.Читати українською

Looking for an audience. How TikTok’s new policy has “cut” the audience of Russian propagandists abroad

On May 23, TikTok announced an update to its policy against targeted influence campaigns: from now on, all channels labeled as “state-controlled media” will not appear in recommended videos outside their country of origin. Thus, Spanish-speaking RT will not appear in the recommendation feed for the Spanish-speaking audience, and Sputnik Brasil will not appear for the Brazilian audience. But does this restriction work effectively? We decided to check the data.Читати українською

How TikTok is turning into an AI dump. A study of a Russian-language pirate TikTok farm

With the development of artificial intelligence capabilities, social networks are increasingly looking like an "AI dump" - a place where lazy content creators test the power of algorithms and try to go viral with other people's and synthetically processed content. We uncovered one such TikTok farm of 300 channels that, after automated processing, presented YouTube content as their own. At the same time, they were "accidentally" spreading Russian propaganda.Читати українською

How to Curb Disinformation in Your YouTube Feed

The benefits of studying disinformation on YouTubeYouTube is one of the most popular social media in Poland and Ukraine: two-thirds of the people in each country have an active account and use the platform to watch entertainment and informational content. The recommendation algorithm is the heart of YouTube: personalized, high-quality selections of similar videos keep viewers on the platform to maximize advertising profits and help users find videos of interest more easily.Читати українською
Журналістика даних

Rozrywka i antyukraińska bańka. Co YouTube poleca obejrzeć w Polsce.

Ryzyko zetknięcia się z dezinformacją na YouTube w Polsce jest niższe niż na Ukrainie. Pierwszą rzeczą, która chroni Polaków przed dezinformacją i rosyjskojęzycznymi treściami, jest brak znajomości języka rosyjskiego. Polski obszar informacyjny jest również chroniony przed dezinformacją przez prawo UE oraz zachowania i preferencje samych użytkowników, którzy oglądają znacznie mniej wiadomości na YouTube niż Ukraińcy. Wciąż jednak istnieją szare strefy i słabe punkty samej platformy, które zbadaliśmy, prosząc ponad 100 polskich wolontariuszy o zainstalowanie naszej aplikacji i zbieranie wszystkich rekomendowanych przez YouTube treści w ciągu dwóch miesięcy.

Humor and news. How Russian propaganda leaks into Ukrainian TikTok

We have investigated the non-political segment of TikTok to understand whether Russian influences are penetrating through the entertainment content of this network. The weakest link is humor.TikTok shows Ukrainians videos of Russian stand-up comedians, and often it's "Zadornov-style" humor, mocking the West.Читати українською

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