

Satellite images show fuel oil spill from Russian tankers in the Black Sea

On December 15, two Russian tankers sank in the Kerch Strait near Crimea. Between 2,500 and 4,500 tons of fuel oil could have been released into the sea. It's a catastrophe for the environmental. In total, the fuel oil stains from Russian tankers that were found at sea from December 18 to January 5 could cover more than 1,000 km² of water surface, which is approximately the area of New York City. Читати українською

War on Pedestals: How monuments serve propaganda in modern Russia

War on Pedestals: How monuments serve propaganda in modern Russia
What monuments are installed in modern Russia? Texty.org.ua has identified 1163 monuments constructed and opened in Russia during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Almost half of them are dedicated to wars: World War II or the invasion of Ukraine.Monuments symbolizing the eternal struggle against the "collective West" are also being actively built in Russia.Читати українською

How Russians fabricate cases against Ukrainian prisoners

How Russians fabricate cases against Ukrainian prisoners
Texty.org.ua has already written about how Ukrainians are being slowly killed in Russian torture chambers. In this article, we describe how cases are fabricated and trials of Ukrainian prisoners are held. We talked to prisoners who have gone through all the circles of hell in the occupiers' courts, as well as to the coordinator of the project "Search. Captivity". Within the framework of this project, Russian human rights activists, lawyers, and volunteers are trying to ensure the legal rights of Ukrainians (combatants, civilians, and children) who are in captivity.Читати українською
Журналістика даних

Spoonful of hate. Online violence against Ukrainian female journalists in YouTube comments

“Hahahaha. That lady is just a stupid chicken!” — such comments aren’t uncommon under YouTube videos of various media outlets in Ukraine. Aggression, harassment, sexism, and threats against journalists are all examples of gender-based violence online. Although YouTube has strict policies against hate speech, its moderation algorithms often miss it, removing hundreds of thousands pieces of content but leaving “just a stupid chicken” under videos from Ukrainian media. This may be due to the imperfection of the algorithms themselves or problems with “understanding” the Ukrainian language.

"We were tortured by starvation" – Mariupol resident tells about Russian captivity

"We were tortured by starvation" – Mariupol resident tells about Russian captivity
In the spring of 2022, 52-year-old mechanic Vyacheslav Zavalny was detained by the Russian military at a checkpoint in city of Pology when he was on his way to evacuate his son and wife from Mariupol. Ten long months of imprisonment followed, where he survived together with other Ukrainians, both civilians and military.Читати українською

"We had a chance to win on the battlefield and still have it." General Muzhenko on how to stop the Russians

Chief of the General Staff — Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2014-2019, General Viktor Muzhenko (now a leading researcher at the Armed Forces Research Institute), in an interview with media Fakty, assessed the current situation at the front, outlined the main problems in the army and listed the key reasons for the failure of the counteroffensive. Texty.org.ua publishes key fragments of the conversation in the form of Muzhenko's organized direct speech.Читати українською

"I need to live for someone". Mother of fallen soldier has taken care of nine-year-old boy

Tetiana and Oleksandr Muzyrov took in nine-year-old Oleksii in January 2023. A year earlier, on February 28, 2022, in the first days of the Russian army's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, their 26-year-old son Dmytro was killed in the village of Kyinka near Chernihiv.Читати українською

How Russia advanced in November and how its losses increased: Battle map

Throughout November, the hotspots along the frontlines remained unchanged, as did the tactics of the Russian forces. Their advance showed a slightly higher pace compared to October, while the number of their casualties increased. However, it is still not enough to significantly slow down their offensive.Читати українською

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