
Журналістика даних

Alright, the air raid alert is on, here we are. Time to hop out

The MiG took off, the bus pulled to a stop, and the driver switched off the engine. The people in the cabin were quiet, hoping the driver would ignore it and it would come through. But the driver came out of his cab and said in irritation, “Alright, looks like the air raid alert is on, here we are. Time to hop out.” Kyiv remains one of only three Ukrainian regional centers where public transport stops during air raids. No such ban exists even in Kharkiv, Odesa, Dnipro, and Zaporizhzhia, where shelling occurs more frequently than in the capital.Читати українськоюText by Valeriia Pavlenko. Data Analysis by Vlad Herasymenko. Design by Nadia Kelm.

Consequences of the strike on "Ohmatdyt": Two Dead, 16 injured, over twenty departments and a unique laboratory destroyed

Consequences of the strike on "Ohmatdyt": Two Dead, 16 injured, over twenty departments and a unique laboratory destroyed
July 8 marked another dark day in the history of modern Ukraine. An X-101 missile fired by a Russian aircraft struck "Ohmatdyt," the largest and oldest children's hospital in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe.The explosion killed two people and injured 16, including 10 children whose lives were being saved.Читати українською

“It was a close call” — Eyewitness account from the scene of Russian missile attack in Kyiv

“It was a close call” — Eyewitness account from the scene of Russian missile attack in Kyiv
"Inside, the ceiling and walls are completely cracked, offices, locker rooms, gyms, and a medical room are destroyed. Only the entrance is left of the gym. Some of the walls have completely crumbled," says Oleksandr Yegorov, director of the Lokomotiv sports complex in Kyiv. These are the consequences of the Russian missile attack on Kyiv on 23 January.Читати українською

Kyiv metro at night. The more active gets air defence, the more people gather under the ground

First pet owners with their beloved animals and families with babies arrive. When explosions become so loud that the windows shake, the subway gets filled with families with older children. They spend the night underground and go to school in the morning – the Ministry of Education does not reprimand this.Translated by Tetiana Sykes Читати українською

Wrong turn. Why in the first days of the war, a lot of residents of the northern Kyiv region did not even think to evacuate

President Zelensky did not believe a full-scale invasion would happen and talked about barbecues in the spring – and the civilian authorities weren’t prepared for such a turn of events either. When Russia invaded, the government repeated optimistic reports that Ukrainian forces were successfully repelling the attacks. It cost the lives of those who took that message at face value and did not leave the soon-to-be-occupied territories in time. Others even moved to the occupied territories in a naïve hope to sit out the period of hostilities in a quiet area away from Kyiv.Читати українськоюTranslated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike Lytov

Second birthday. Shelling of Kyiv through the eyes of its residents from Zhylianska Street

It’s 8:30 on Monday morning. The sound of an air raid alarm pierces Kyiv, but since the city has not been hit by the missiles for a long time, people proceed with the start of the working week as usual. Someone makes breakfast, irons clothes and gets kids ready for school. Someone, despite the sirens, is already on the way to work. At the same time, dozens of Russian missiles are approaching the capital. The first explosion is heard — the rocket hit the city centre.

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