

I don’t want to be just a face from a screen: Stories of three fathers separated from their children by war

"My family plans to return. Because there is no right to leave a country for a father who wants to see his children, wants them to remain Ukrainians and wants his family not to fall apart. I've seen many good families fall apart since 2022 simply because they were separated. I don't want that to happen to my family," says Oleksii Erinchak, the founder of the "Sens" bookstore in Kyiv.

Why Ukrainians in Germany often communicate in Russian and what can be done to change this habit

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, Ukrainians are actively switching from speaking Russian to Ukrainian. This is visible in the information space and at the everyday level - many have acquaintances who started speaking Ukrainian last year. For example, a third of the 67,000 surveyed users of the "Kyiv Digital" application answered that they started to communicate in Ukrainian during this period.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

Cleaning instead of jewelry; Instagram and sense of humor. Italian experience of a Ukrainian woman with children

“This page is about jewelry, but I’m in temporary exile. Trying not to die,” reads the description of the Instagram page of Kateryna Kiliachus from Kyiv.At some point she changed her jewelry business for a rag and a mop at an Italian recreation center, but she has not lost her sense of humor and continues to blog about jewelry and various other staff. “Good evening, Yelena Ivanovna, we are having borsch today,” a tall smiling woman at an online call shows a package of borsch dressing, which in Italy can be bought at a tremendous price and only in specialized Ukrainian stores, as a real treasure.On the other side of the camera is a math teacher from Vinnytsia, who has just finished classes with children and says that life in their city is almost the same as it was before February. And that there are even more cars, so if it weren’t for the air raid alerts, everything would be as usual.Читати українською

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