#russian language


Why Ukrainians in Germany often communicate in Russian and what can be done to change this habit

After the start of the full-scale invasion of Russia, Ukrainians are actively switching from speaking Russian to Ukrainian. This is visible in the information space and at the everyday level - many have acquaintances who started speaking Ukrainian last year. For example, a third of the 67,000 surveyed users of the "Kyiv Digital" application answered that they started to communicate in Ukrainian during this period.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

"I would learn Russian if only..." How the Russian authorities turned the Ukrainian language into “second class”

In Ukrainian schools, teachers of the Russian language and literature were considered a privileged caste. Even higher than history teachers. History was considered mainly an ideological discipline at school. "Historians" also taught the course "Fundamentals of the state and law". They were, traditionally, leaders of Communist party cells at schools.Translated by Dmitry Lytov & Mike LytovЧитати українською

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